While this may veer from my typical content, I was too excited about Modesto’s newest addition to keep things to myself. As of October 17th, 2024, Modesto is now home to the “Be Anything Museum,” a collection of Barbies on display for public amusement.
“The Be Anything Museum (BAM!) is a place where dreams take flight and empowerment knows no bounds.” Lourdes Uranday created the unique nonprofit BAM! with a vision of showcasing her private Barbie collection and igniting inspiration and empowerment to all who visit. Barbie has long been a source of inspiration, from her long line of careers to historical dolls and iconic celebrity figures. Barbie inspired Lourdes to “be anything,” and now she hopes that Barbie can inspire YOU!
The exhibit includes over 100 Barbie dolls collected throughout the decades, along with Barbie merchandise and other toys and collectibles. However, BAM! is not just a museum but a nonprofit that provides entrepreneurial educational programs, including events and workshops for all age groups, with a focus on women and minority entrepreneurs. Additionally, if you’d like to sponsor or showcase your own Barbie collection, the proceeds are committed to the BAM! Business Resource Center.
The Be Anything Museum is open Wednesday-Saturday, 10am-6pm. Entry is $10 for Adults, $8 for Seniors/Veterans/Students, and under the age of 5 is free. I was able to view the museum today as I attended a Modesto Chamber of Commerce networking event at BAM! The space was filled with successful women in every facet of business, and they couldn’t have held the event in a more appropriate space. The exhibit brings enthusiasm to all who enter, and I will be back because it genuinely sparks so much joy.
“You Can Be Anything” – Barbie
Location: 1111 I St. Suite 105 Modesto, CA 95354
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