Ice Cream Company & Grill is a local icon in Modesto. First opened in 1979, the offerings have since expanded to include the addition of rotating vegan flavors, but the ice cream is still handmade in small batches. The Ice Cream Company is also a non-profit called “Enrich & Employ”, training those with barriers to employment. They train in a working restaurant for real-world experience. Their clients include; those with disabilities, people learning English, and those who have been through recovery.
I am a Candy Corn lover. I have been searching for a vegan alternative since I discovered the candy was not vegan-friendly many moons ago. Candy corn isn’t traditionally vegan, as it is commonly made with honey, gelatin, beeswax, and/or confectioner’s glaze. Pair this with the fact that many people dislike the treat, and we […]